New Year’s Eve Fireworks Show in Marina Del Rey

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fireworks at nighttime marina del rey

What is it?

Marina Del Rey in Los Angeles has its own fireworks show on December 31, 2021 to ring in the 2022 New Year.

In fact, the coolest thing is that they have two–yes, count ’em, two–fireworks show that night.

One is at 8:59 P.M. and one is at 11:59 P.M. This is clutch because you don’t necessarily have to stay out late if you don’t want to. You can just chill and catch the 9:00 P.M. show and then get home, get some wine or bubbly or put the kids to sleep or whatever, and go about your night without worrying about getting home too late and all. Why don’t more places do this?

multicolored fireworks burton chace park marina del rey

When is it?

It’s on December 31th, 2021. Make sure to get there earlier. Even though the shows start right at 9:00 P.M. and 12:00 A.M., you’re going to have to find parking and everything. Definitely get there at least 15 minutes early, but something like 30 minutes or more is even better.

Where is it?

The address is as follows:

Burton Chace Park
13650 Mindanao Way, Marina Del Rey, CA

It’s an awesome park right by the marina. Honestly, you can sit or stand anywhere in the park or at Fisherman’s Village or anywhere near the South Jetty and be good. These are fireworks in the air so you should have a lot of vantage points.

How much is it?

pink and yellow firework mdr show new years

This may explain why this event is so popular: it’s F-R-E-E.

What will parking be like?

los angeles fireworks show 2022

For details on parking, go to the official website for rates and a map.

Is this a family event? Like, is it good for all ages?

yellow and red fireworks show los angeles la

Absolutely. The atmosphere is fun for all ages.