Jack in the Box haunted scare-thru from October 29-31 is a fun new way to celebrate Halloween in 2020

The Wendy’s that will feature this socially distant and safe haunted drive-thru is located at 9433 Reseda Blvd., Northridge, CA, 91324.
The event runs from October 29th to October 31st from 7:30 P.M. to 11:30 P.M. Be honest now: those are your ideal Jack in the Box hours anyways, right?

Trick-or-Treating is cancelled in LA and Halloween parties will be looking scarce – and even monsters can’t get in your face because of social distancing. Jack in the Box, as usual, is the late night hero; this year, they’re celebrating Halloween in LA in their own unique way and keeping the spirit alive with a frightening late night spook fest at Jack in Box.
From Thursday, Oct. 29 to Saturday, Oct. 31, there will be a spooky fantastical show right in a Northridge Jack in the Box store’s drive-thru.
Jack Box will be joined by ghosts and ghoulish friends and give guests a haunting good time with spooky stories and truly terrifying soundtrack – once you adjust your car radio, you will be guided through the experience with a haunted narration by Jack himself.

This three-day event is FREE and open to the public, and all guests will be required to remain in their vehicle due to COVID-19 restrictions. COSTUMES STRONGLY ENCOURAGED!
Guests that arrive in costume will receive free tacos and the first 25 guests to arrive will receive something extra special!